Wednesday, May 28, 2008

FULLERTON, CA - Jake is two weeks old today so we got to go to the doctor. While we were there, the doctor wanted to look at me too. Seems my mommy and daddy had "forgotten" to schedule my 4-year-old checkup. Ooops.

So Jakey is just fine and I'm 43 inches tall and 47 lbs., in case you were curious (that also might be the last time I offer my weight publicly so enjoy it). However, I'm told that you also get shots at this particular checkup. Neat.

So I got 4 shots - two in each arm. Daddy says I handled it quite well, I didn't start crying until shot number four. I've got to come up with an excuse to skip the next doctors appointment - I hear that one is a doozy. At least I got a butterfly tattoo for my troubles, but you might be able to see that my arm is still a little red. Ouch.

Grandpa H. and his favorite grandkids :-)

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