Sunday, September 14, 2008

DIAMOND BAR, CA - Tonight I got to go to my friend James' house for dinner. My other friend 'Bekah (and her sister Anna) was there too.

James' daddy made some yummy looking ribs on the grill - but those were just for the grown ups. Us kids got hot dogs, cheese and grapes, which was certainly A-O-K with me...those are three of my favorite things. I got to run and play in James' backyard, and his daddy even took us all for a wagon ride - I just wish he went faster!

'Bekah's mommy made a really good dessert with chocolate cake, whipped cream, toffee bar and caramel sauce - mmmmm good. After that we played for a little bit longer and the grown ups got to play a pretend-guitar video game. It looked pretty fun, so 'Bekah found a kiddie drum to play and I joined in with the tambourine. We sounded pretty good, if I do say so.

It was a very fun night - thanks for having us over, Jeff, Valerie & James!


Mama Shoe said...

That looked fun, and those ribs sure looked finger lickin' good!

Riva said...

Mikayla wishes she could have been there. It looks like fun! Mikayla's mommy thinks those ribs look pretty good too!