Saturday, December 06, 2008

FULLERTON, CA - Today we celebrated my very good friend Aiden's birthday. He's turning 5. Turning 5 is a VERY big deal. It basically means that you're not a little kid anymore. It also means you get to go to KINDERGARTEN! I'm so ready for that. I heard something about 5-year-old shots, but I'm choosing to ignore that information for now.

His party was a "Star Wars" theme. I'll be honest. I don't know much it. My parents have chosen to ignore science fiction as a genre in it's entirety - I just hope it doesn't impact my future development. I didn't wear a costume for the party, but mommy did make my hair look like a character called, "Princess Leia." I'm all for dressing up like princesses! I liked the double-bun look...I ran around the house saying, "Check out my buns, check our my buns!"

At Aiden's house we played outside, ate pizza, played pop-the-balloon-by-sitting-on-it, and had cake with ice cream. Yummmmmmy.

Thanks for inviting me to your party, Aiden - Happy Birthday!!!

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