Sunday, December 02, 2007

FULLERTON TRAIN STATION - Santa is here! Kind of. "Santa" came to Fullerton tonight...on a train, hmmmm. Isn't he a bit early? And missing some reindeer? OK, I'll play along. Mommy and Daddy took me to see Santa roll into town on a train that was all lit up and decorated for the holiday season. There were some very nice firefighters there collecting toys for some other nice kids. I was happy to drop a dolly into the box - I've got enough of those (and might be getting more in a few weeks).

So the train choo-chooed in and everything was going great...until IT happened. Can anyone please tell me what pirates have to do with Christmas, Santa, the North Pole or anything even remotely holiday-ish?? For some reason, which I have yet to figure out, the "show" started with pirates yelling and being generally rude to the audience, as pirates will do. So even though I had yet to actually lay eyes on the big man in the red outfit, I'd had enough. I kindly asked my dad if he'd like to retire to the snack bar for some hot chocolate...BY YELLING AND SCREAMING AND CRYING!! I think I handled pretty well, actually.

Anyways, no harm done. I had some hot cocoa (with whipped cream) and then we headed home. Getting in the car I said, "That wasn't very fun, daddy. Please don't take me to see pirates again." I give him credit for trying, though. Maybe next year ;-)

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