Saturday, April 05, 2008

BREA, CA - We went to watch Morgan play soccer this afternoon. She did great! She was on the red team and was playing against the blue team. She was #17. Lindsay and I watched for a little bit and then played our own game off to the side. We had fun running and chasing each other. Morgan ran up and down the field a lot and kicked the ball lots of times...she even scored a goal - way to go, Morgan!

Maybe daddy well let me play on a soccer team soon. I like soccer, or at least that's what he tells me.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jenna,

My mom and I like reading up on your adventures!

You can check out our blog at

Can we add you guys to our "people we know" on our blog?


Jenna said...

Hi Jackson!

Thanks for stopping by. I like reading your mommy's blog too, although I'm not sure about the whole "only one-video-per-day thing." I REALLY like watching Charlie and Lola.

See you soon!
